final fantasy 7 rebirth - Uma visão geral
final fantasy 7 rebirth - Uma visão geral
Blog Article
Final Fantasy 7 Remake stayed faithful to the original in many ways, but there were a number of changes that had fans both confused and intrigued for what's to come.
Cloud is plagued by psychic disturbances, and at first shows little interest in AVALANCHE's cause; by his own admission, he is only interested in money.
Cloud and his comrades escape the city of Midgar in pursuit of the fallen hero, Sephiroth. As they travel across the world, they find themselves on a journey that will decide the fate of the planet.
Above the surface Mako crystallizes into Materia that allows its users to manipulate the powers of the planet in a phenomenon many call magic. Harvesting Mako as an energy source drains the planet of its life, and corrupts life forms, creating monsters in the wild.
Sephiroth kills Aeris by impaling her with the Masamune. Cloud is enraged, but Sephiroth taunts Cloud, telling him he should not act as though he has feelings. Floating up into the sky, the "Sephiroth" turns out to be Jenova; the person the party hunted and followed since the beginning was Jenova—escaped from the tank in the Shinra Headquarters—taking Sephiroth's form.
Por se tratar do 1 relançamento-chave de modo a entender ESTES eventos que precedem o jogo original e como as mudanças do remake, e do vindouro Rebirth
Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith race back to the Sector 7 slums. The way takes them through the sewers and the train graveyard, which they find haunted by the captured spirits of children whom Aerith can still commune with. They free the childrens' spirits by felling the demon haunting the grounds and make their way to the Sector 7 slums where they find the pillar under attack by Shinra, with the locals up in arms to protect it. Shinra announces that Avalanche is about to drop the plate and that Shinra does not negotiate with terrorists and thus they need to give themselves up.
Os jogadores vão se divertir com batalhes imersivas usando o controle isento fio DualSense e sua própria integração de resposta tátil
The Materia system was decided upon by the team, where weapons and armor can be equipped with any Materia. It was decided the battles wouldn't be about characters final fantasy vii with individual, innate skills, but that combat would change depending on the way Materia was used.
■Players who complete the Nibelheim episode will be able to skip the same section in the full game.
Tifa awakes in Junon seven days later and finds a world in chaos: a meteorite looms over the sky, a sign of the impending end of the world. Sephiroth has surrounded the North Crater with a barrier preventing either Shinra or the Weapons from attacking his true body, and the creatures have taken to attacking Shinra's sites of power instead.
Hamaguchi similarmente identicamente conjuntamente detalhou de que uma das grandes dificuldades, que inclusive gerou muito debate entre ESTES desenvolvedores, era tais como eles iriam balancear esse conteúdo e liberdade do mundo aberto com toda a narrativa primário.
E logo do cara já somos arrebatados com uma bomba: o flashback do Monte Nibel, 1 Destes momentos Muito mais marcantes do jogo original. E preciso confessar que ele está simplesmente brutal em toda a sua própria ambientaçãeste.
As the group goes through Hojo's lab, they find Jenova's tank where its headless body spooks everyone. Red XIII explains that Jenova is Shinra's most precious research specimen and that Hojo has spent his life studying it. A cloaked man appears in front of the tank, but everyone sees him as Sephiroth who breaks the walkway they are on and sends everyone plummeting to the deep recesses of the lab into an area called "the Drum", where Hojo controls their every move and ushers more of his "research specimens" onto the group, only to watch them be destroyed much to his delight.